My name is Brandon Swan and I’m a 5 x CrossFit Games athlete, a firefighter, and most importantly, a very proud dad and husband.
As a busy parent, I have had to find ways to train smarter, not longer, often before the sun came up or long after everyone else was getting ready to go to bed, because that was the only time I had. Those hours affectionately became known as my Dad Hours.
Whilst there are numerous programs out there for competitive athletes, there aren’t too many with the ultra-busy person in mind.
What I found over the past couple of years is that you don’t need all that time, nor do you even need tremendous amounts of equipment. Some of my toughest and most rewarding sessions have been done with nothing but a few bodyweight exercises and a pair of dumbbells.
This is why Dad Hours was born. I have discovered through trial and error how to get the very best out of myself on a limited schedule and at times, with limited equipment, and now I want to show you how you can do the same.